Technology in Water Management Practices

Jim explains role of technology in the water industry with intelligent sensors and predictive analytics.

Jim Lauria is the vice president of sales and marketing at Massey Injector Company. He has traveled the world benchmarking and documenting the best global water management practices. He's an expert writer in the water utility industry.‍

Water and the Role of Technology

A water treatment system can be thought of as similar to the human body. The pumps and pipes function like the circulatory system, while membrane technology and other methods work to remove impurities, similar to the kidneys and liver. Aeration systems can be compared to the lungs, and sensors serve as the system's brain, allowing for better monitoring and management. By using advanced techniques such as computational fluid dynamic modeling and digital twins, we can optimize the system and make more informed decisions without physically altering it. Data management and predictive analytics are crucial to the effective operation of a water treatment system. Implementing new technologies along with intelligent sensors can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the treatment of both drinking water and wastewater.‍

Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the critical role of water in the technological world from Jim Lauria. Click below to watch the full podcast on 'Water is technology' - the importance of water in the technological world.

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