Future of Water Utilities with Smart Water

Elango discusses how cloud and data enhance water utility management with smart water.

Elango Thevar is the CEO of NEER.ai, a real-time water management platform using AI and machine learning to assess water distribution system risks. NEER has three modules and offers features such as IOT integration, GIS support, and AI-driven asset management. Thevar is a certified engineer with over 15 years of experience in water infrastructure projects in the US.

The future of Water Utilities with Smart Water

Elango discusses how AI and machine learning can optimize and improve the efficiency of water utilities, including water treatment, distribution, and stormwater management.

Elango also highlights the challenges faced by water utilities and how they can be overcome through the use of data and rtificial intelligence. By leveraging these technologies, water utilities can make data-driven decisions that help them better serve their customers and lower costs. For example, AI can be used to optimize water treatment processes, improve the distribution of clean water, and improve the collection and treatment of wastewater. It can also be used to predict and mitigate the risk of flooding, protecting homes, businesses, and the environment.

AI helps in water management and improves operations efficiency

The use of AI in smart water management can bring significant benefits to water utilities and their customers, including improved operational efficiency, cost savings, and the ability to provide clean, reliable water services.

Don't miss this insightful podcast by clicking on the link below, and stay tuned for the next episode of the #UtilityCloudGuide for more discussion on the use of technology in the water industry.

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